- 12 laps (field)
- 3.72 km
- 21' 12"
- 10.5 km/h
- pushed on last lap, 60 m sprint at the end
Definitely feeling less gusto than two days ago. Definitely felt the effects of the PUs and SUs (push ups / sit ups) from yesterday (i.e. affected muscles were not at 100%). This is a good sign, because I thought that the workout yesterday was too easy.
The thing is, the number PUs and SUs increase each workout day. So that first day is deceptively easy. I can imagine I'll be writing about how I barely made it through Day Three of the SU/PU challenge.
I've been facing debilitating fatigue by late afternoon the last couple days. After dinner, I'm pretty much toast. I'm hoping that I will eventually adjust and remain functional in the evenings, rather than melting into a lazy pile of goo.
I am paying attention to the carbohydrates I'm taking. More during the day, less at dinner. Increase proportion of meats & veggies, decrease carbs. Maybe that explains my lack of energy in the evenings.
Gotta watch that I'm not pushing myself too hard lest I lose my resolve and throw my motivation out of whack.
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