Sunday, April 11, 2010

8th Run

Got up real early this morning 'round 6. I woke up to take a leak, but I found myself in an unusually energized mood on account of having consumed dark chocolate before going to bed and having a vivid dream.

So I decided to run. reported it was 5C out there so I put on jogging pants, two shirts and a fleece hoodie. I never used jogging pants before, but the last time I ran in such cool temperatures I didn't like how cold my legs were even after my run. I reckon it's not good for my joints or perhaps my muscles.

Some dude was doing tai-chi at the soccer field, so once again I had to run around the park instead. He had the whole field to himself- the whole park for that matter, but decided to do it right at the edge of the field, so it would've been in my path. *shrug*


  • 6 laps
  • 39min 19sec
  • 5.82 km
  • 8.66 km/h
  • 100 m 50% sprint on 2nd and 5th laps


It's really strange but I often find that I have difficulty keeping track of how many laps I did. It's a lot worse though when I'm running the soccer field as I tend to run over 15 laps there. But 6 laps was around 40 min last time so the results should be correct.

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