Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roller 2

Rollerbladed for almost 2 hrs. Went all the way to the Richmond Oval, via the new Skytrain Bridge, No. 3 Rd., and Alderbridge Way. Would have been easier if the recreational path that follows River Rd. and the dyke was finished, but sections of it are still not paved. Signs say it'll be done in September or so.

I have to rotate my wheels real soon.

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Activity

Ankle is still kind of busted-- going through the range of motion at a particular angle and I get a sharp pain.


I put on rollerblades and I skated for an hour. Feels a lot more strenuous than running, and methinks it's lower impact.

Well, it's only a summer activity, but hey. At least I can still exercise even with a busted ankle.